Introducing - Empowering Developers Worldwide

Vue School has been at the forefront of online developer education since its inception in 2016, providing Vue.js enthusiasts of all skill levels with the world's first (and largest) dedicated Vue.js training platform. Over the years we’ve collaborated with the greatest industry experts to create hundreds of lessons, courses, workshops, and tutorials, events and upskilled more than 700,000 developers.

In a significant milestone, we partnered with the Vue.js Organization to develop the Official Vue.js Certification Program. Inspired to raise the profile of Vue.js developers around the world, we worked closely with the Creator of Vue.js, Evan You, and interested members of the Vue.js Core team to define the standard of what it means to be a competent Vue.js developer.

The goal of the Vue.js Certification is to enhance the confidence and knowledge of the developers. The resultant certification can also provide a guarantee to employers that certified candidates will meet these standards.

The announcement was met with tremendous interest from our community, with more than 20,000 developers eagerly signing up for the Vue.js Certification program.

Since then, the platform, and our vision, have grown larger than we ever anticipated.

Over 2,700 developers participated in our pre-launch survey, and the appetite for certification in our community has been palpable.

Notably, 97.5% said they were excited about the Vue.js Certification Program

Furthermore, 96% believed that certification would certainly enhance their professional credibility.

These results reveal the core motivations for certification, however there are a number of other benefits to acquiring certification, including enhanced job prospects and professional credibility. Research has also shown that it can benefit companies with improved team morale, productivity, skills, and efficiency.

Building on Success

Over the past 9 months, we’ve been working hard to develop a modern certification platform that would meet and exceed the expectations of our community. From multiple choice questions and code challenges that accurately assess developers’ competency, we’ve put in hundreds of hours to create content to come up with the remarkable product we have today.

Added to that, we developed a preparation platform to assist developers in growing their skills prior to taking the exams, and to guarantee the irreproachable of the exams and control the exam topics we established an examination board of world-class experts.

Throughout the process, we’ve worked with industry leaders, like members of the Vue.js Core Team to test, review, and help polish the content before it even went into Beta Testing, which we conducted with the help of a number of pre-order customers to further refine and improve the product to what it is today.

In fact, the technology we ended up building was far beyond anything we could have anticipated. By the time we had finished, we had added so many exciting features that we had opened up a whole new world of possibilities, both for our platform and our developers!

The Next Evolution of Developer Certification

In response to the massive interest from the web community and overwhelming demand for certificates that validate skills in other technologies too, we discussed the future of the certification platform with Evan You and made the decision to move it to a new home --!

In this new home, we will be able to broaden the scope of the project to offer other developer certificates and host all the features we envisioned to cater to the ever-evolving needs of developers worldwide.

Introducing - certificates for the modern developer!

Extending beyond just Vue.js,, this highly anticipated platform for developer certification launched on September 6, 2023.

Here, you can earn certifications that will validate your skills and knowledge, demonstrate your commitment, and enhance your job prospects and career advancement.

Why join our Certification Program?

Built in collaboration with Vue School and industry experts like Vue.js, our Certification Programs are designed to ensure the competencies tested are those necessary to achieve the effective use of the frameworks, plugins, and tools we certify.

Examinations are challenging, so you have a true opportunity to prove your worth. Included are real-world coding challenges which are a fun, interactive way to do just that! Preparation materials and training are provided, allowing you to expand your knowledge and gain a deep understanding of the technology. Advanced certification is also provided for those who are or aspire to a senior role.

Whatever level you’re at, certification can be a key addition to your CV. Aspiring developers will be equipped with the knowledge, credentials, and confidence to learn and be successful in their jobs. Senior devs can gain deeper understanding and become comfortable with new and more advanced features in order to use the frameworks or tools to their full and intended purpose.” says Alex Kyriakidis, Founder and CEO of Vue School.

Available Developer Certifications

Beginning with Vue.js, we plan to offer certificates for Nuxt and Tailwind CSS in the near future!

The decision to offer Nuxt certification was influenced by the remarkable growth and community interest in Nuxt. This is supported by the success of Mastering Nuxt, as well as a few key statistics, including more than 60M npm downloads, 27k+ Discord members, 60k GitHub stars, and 87k Twitter followers!

TailwindCSS, on the other hand, has gained a lot of popularity among our developer communities, with 51% of participants at a recent online event hosted by Vue School indicating that they use it to build modern websites.

What’s next? Have your say!

The team are putting the power in the hands of developers by allowing you to vote on the certifications you’d like to see next. Have your say and shape the future of developer certification - cast your vote! is not merely a certification platform; it's a testament to Vue School's dedication to enabling developers to validate their skills in the technologies that matter most to them and propel their careers forward.

Vue.js Developer Level 1 Exam Go Live!

Our Closed Beta phase has been a resounding success, thanks in part to the rigorous reviews of Evan You and select members of the Vue.js Core Team, including Eduardo San Martin Morote who had this to say**:

We're also thrilled to share feedback from our customers who participated in the Closed Beta:

Their insights have been invaluable in refining the examination process and user experience as we work toward ensuring a top-notch certification journey for all Vue.js enthusiasts.

Breaking News!

The Vue.js Developer Certification exam opens to the public on 12 September 2023!

If you’ve already purchased your Vue.js examination product, there’s no time like the present to review the Preparation Guide and make sure you’re ready to take the exam with confidence next week! If you’d like to be one of the first Vue.js certified developers in the world, there’s still time to secure your Vue.js Certification and take advantage of the Go Live Offer that will be available for just 24 hours on 12 September!

We’re really looking forward to ensuring an amazing experience for all developers who undertake their certification through our platform, and we hope you’ll join us on this journey!